For years, acupuncture and other Chinese/East Asian medicine methods have been utilized to address women’s health. Our general practitioner specializes in menstrual and reproductive issues. Both the adoption of acupuncture outside of Asia and the incorporation of scientific analysis inside Asia have challenged biomedical ideas of what this treatment approach may achieve. Over the last 20 years, the amount of research on acupuncture and women’s health has expanded dramatically.

Endorphin and prostaglandin release, stimulation of free nerve terminals, and increased cerebrovascular blood flow are all known effects of acupuncture. Acupuncture has showed promise in treating a variety of women’s health issues, including chronic pain.

According to the Centre Servette de Médecine Integrative, Alternative et Complémentaire, acupuncture is beneficial in the treatment of fibromyalgia, chronic headaches, and primary dysmenorrhea.

Acupuncture Benefits for Women’s Health.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture have a long history of treating and maintaining women’s health.

Menstrual Health

Acupuncture has long been utilized to aid in the regulation and sustain healthy menstruation. Chinese medicine has recognized and produced therapies for menstrual cycle difficulties such as PMS, painful periods (dysmenorrhoea), irregular cycles, abnormal loss of period (amenorrhoea), severe bleeding (menorrhagia), spotting, and so on. Even with current diagnoses of illnesses such as PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and endometriosis, the symptoms are similar to those treated by Chinese medicine and acupuncture for centuries.

When we support menstrual health at, we obtain a complete history of symptoms specific to your period as well as general health. We then devise a treatment strategy and monitor progress for at least three cycles, looking for progressive improvements in symptoms as well as general health.


Many women choose acupuncture to aid fertility, either naturally or in conjunction with IVF. While our therapy approaches vary slightly depending on where you are in your cycle, if you are presently trying, or where you are in an IVF process, there is an underlying focus on reducing stress. The pressure from families, society, and ourselves to start a family can be enormous, and when combined with months or years of trying or failing IVF cycles, it can lead to a stressful cycle.

When our bodies are trapped in a chronic cycle of fight or flight stress reaction, the body perceives the environment as hostile and unsuitable for reproduction, and hence uses fewer resources to support the processes required for fertility. Whatever we can do to reduce stress on the body will help to support natural fertility.

We then integrate traditional fertility points that have been used for thousands of years with points that address any underlying menstrual cycle difficulties.


The body undergoes several rapid changes during pregnancy. This means that a wide range of symptoms, such as morning sickness, discomfort, lethargy, sleeplessness, swelling, and so on, are highly prevalent throughout pregnancy. Because many common medications and therapy procedures are restricted during pregnancy, acupuncture provides safe treatment choices for symptomatic alleviation.

In Chinese medicine, our job during pregnancy is to treat you well because the happier and healthier you are, the better your body can support a safe pregnancy and labor.

As the due date gets closer, we have particular principles that have traditionally been employed to support healthy labor (we avoid these points during the rest of pregnancy). There are also points and therapies for breech and posterior positioned newborns.

Post Partum

In traditional Chinese culture, the time after pregnancy is reserved for rest and bonding with your new baby. Traditionally, you would be waited on hand and foot, fed nutritious food, but not permitted to leave the house, see anybody other than your immediate relatives, or even wash your hair. While some practices are no longer appropriate in modern society, the emphasis should remain on rehabilitation and connection.

Acupuncture uses traditional points to aid in recovery as well as other concerns that may arise, such as breast milk supply, pain, mood and energy issues, and so on. At this point, the most difficult element is making time for oneself.


Perimenopause and menopause have varied effects on women. There are certain common symptoms, like as hot flushes, dizziness, insomnia, mood swings, and so on, but how one woman experiences this transition might vary greatly. That is where Chinese medicine pattern differentiation comes into play – our duty is to look at the big picture of your symptoms and come up with a treatment plan that treats you as a whole person, not just as someone experiencing hot flushes.

Treatment may take some time to build up to a suitable level depending on the severity of symptoms and other contributing factors, but there should be indicators that the acupuncture (and/or Chinese herbal therapy when applicable) is helping during the first few weeks of treatment.

If you want to try acupuncture for a women’s health problem, make sure to find our qualified practitioner. We collaborate with you to explain the entire process and develop a treatment plan that is unique to you and your needs. We set up ways for us to follow and check on your progress during therapy to ensure you continue to find value in your sessions.

Our Acupuncture Clinic in Servette and Carouge

If you want to book an acupuncture consultation and treatment at Servette or Carouge, you can do so online by clicking here or by getting in touch:

Phone: +41 78 218 77 32

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