The decision to slow down the effects of aging can take numerous forms. Acupuncture within the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) system may be a therapeutic avenue to investigate for those seeking a holistic approach to addressing wrinkles, especially if you are open to studying the interconnectivity of general health, lifestyle, and aesthetics. Acupuncture is a treatment that promotes the circulation of chi, or the movement of energy through the body via pathways known as meridians. Despite the fact that acupuncture has been used in eastern medicine for centuries, western medicine has long dismissed it as a “alternative” treatment. People of many cultures now regard acupuncture as an integrated approach to health and wellness.

Book An Appointment Now

Our experienced qualified practitioner at Centre Servette de Medecine Intégrative, Alternative et Complémentaire will advise you based on your skin type, condition, and the nature of the treatments you are receiving to ensure that your needs and budget are met by offering an honest and realistic consultation outcome.

Request a consultation at Centre Servette de Medecine Intégrative, Alternative et Complémentaire today. When you come in for your initial consultation, we will assess your skin and create a custom treatment plan for you. To get started, give us a call at +41 78 218 77 32. Or book an appointment online here.

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