Some complementary and alternative therapies have been thoroughly examined and confirmed to be generally safe and effective. Acupuncture, yoga, and meditation are just a few examples. Others, on the other hand, may not work, may be harmful, or may interfere with your medications.

Herbs with alternative medicine herbal supplements and pills

Natural Does Not Always Mean Safe

Botanicals and nutritional items, such as herbal and dietary supplements, as well as vitamins, are used in CAM therapy. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not have to approve these products before they may be sold to the general public. They can also be purchased without a prescription. As a result, you must choose what is best for you. Here are a few tips to take into consideration:

  • When used alone, in combination with other drugs, or in huge dosages, herbal supplements can be dangerous. For example, several research have suggested that kava kava, a stress and anxiety-relieving herb, may induce liver damage. Furthermore, St. John’s wort, which is used to treat depression, may affect the effectiveness of certain cancer medicines.
  • Consult your doctor about the foods you should consume. People with cancer frequently have concerns about what foods to eat during therapy. It’s crucial to note, however, that there isn’t a single meal or particular diet that has been shown to control cancer.
  • If you’re taking any dietary supplements, including vitamins, tell your doctor, no matter how safe you think they are. This is a critical point. Even if there are advertisements or claims that something has been used for a long time, this does not mean it is safe or effective. This is especially true when your medications are included.

It is critical that you maintain a nutritious diet at all times, but especially now. Make every effort to maintain a well-balanced diet, including a range of healthy foods. For information on what to eat during and after cancer treatment: Eating Hints.

Patients with cancer who want to use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) should consult with their doctor or nurse. This is crucial since seemingly harmless products might be harmful or even interfere with your cancer therapy. It’s also a good idea to find out if the therapy you’re considering has been demonstrated to work as claimed.

Talk with Your Doctor Before You Use CAM

Do not be hesitant to inquire. Doctors want to know about your problems so they can provide you with the best treatment possible. Tell them you want to use CAM approaches and would appreciate their advice.

Clinical Trials to Test CAM Therapies.

Clinical trials testing CAM treatments and therapies in individuals are now being sponsored or cosponsored by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH). Some research compares alternative therapies to traditional treatments, while others investigate the impact of complementary techniques used in conjunction to conventional treatments. You can find a list of all cancer CAM clinical trials here.

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